


 2017-05-31 娜达 

Dear Beloveds,
I come before you today to deliver an important message. It is aboutmagnifying and intensifying your Self-Love more than ever. For in this, youwill withstand and overcome any interference and fleeting confusion and doubts.Hold a Candle toyour Self-Love and make it Brighter, Beloveds.






Mary Magdalene抹大拉的玛利亚【回归神性】2017-10-18

 2017-10-19 抹大拉的玛利亚 
Mary Magdalene via Lea Chapin, October 18th, 2017

Greetings,Dear Ones, it is I, Mary Magdalene. As Mother Mary has just spoken, thisfrequency of divine mother love, Divine Sophia energy, has now opened up itsportal upon this Earth plane here upon this day, October 9, 2017, in a morepowerful and potent frequency, for all the world to feel and to embody. This isthe time, Dearest Ones, that balance shall return, Divine, Holy Sacred Union.And it is necessary for all life forms to return to balance. If there isanything that is in your life that is not in balance, please ask for our help,and we will help you. We will help you to return to balance. You are to be atpeace at all times, in all situations, we know this can be difficult, but it isto be that in which you strive for, and that which you are able to receive.When you are in this beautiful state of balance, of Divine Union, you are ableto remain in wholeness and in the completion as the Creator God that you are,the Divine God and Goddess that you are. There you are emanating your power andprojecting your frequency for all the world to feel and all the world to seeand all the world to know. Dear One, time is of the essence, and there is notime to waste. There is only love to be received, and peace to be felt, andlight to be embodied.

You are light, and light you shall remain, you are love, and loveyou shall remain, you are peace, and peace you shall remain. Please bring thesefrequencies into your heart. It is of grave importance that you receive themupon this day: peace, love, and light. Peace, love, and light. Peace, love, andlight. This is the essence of the embodiment in which you were created. Andthis is how you return to sacred union, Divine, Holy Union, as the beautifulGod and Goddesses that you are. I know we speak of this most frequently, but itis our mission, it is why we are here, it is why we keep coming to help each ofyou, until you receive it and embody it and acknowledge it as the truth of yourbeing. And so, Dear Ones, stand in the Living Light of God, and be at peace inall things. Stand in the Living Light of God, and be at peace in all things.Today, as you embody and embrace these frequencies, may your heart open to thetruth of the beautiful spirit that you are. You are here by Divine appointment,you are here by divine purpose, you have come to serve and to be served, and itis time to receive. And so, we are flooding this planet with Divine MotherLove, so we ask you to embrace this and to embody it, and to live it, and tobecome it, as you stand in the truth of who you are.

Today isan extremely important day, and so I ask you to honor yourself, honor all lifeforms, honor the sacred divinity of the truth of your being. Your soul has gonethrough so much, and yet today, in many ways, it is a graduation day, it is aday of celebration, it is a day of joy. And so, Dearest Ones, be at peace, beat peace, be at peace, and know that within your heart, you are loved. And youare never alone, and as you have accepted this frequency, of the Sacred DivineFeminine energy coming into your life, we thank you for allowing yourself toreceive. Go now, my children, and be at peace in all things, for until we speakagain, we ask that you embody and live and become the beautiful spirit inDivine sacred union that you are. It is why Jeshua and I and the holy familyhave come to be with you. It is why we have come to share our message. As wehave devoted ourselves to the return of love and balance and peace upon thisplanet throughout the eons and eons of time of Mother Gaea’s inception. So thatshe, too, may return and live in her exalted state of beauty and oneness as thebeautiful star she is, the powerful essence of love in which she was created,just as you allow your brilliance to shine forth and be not afraid of steppinginto your power. Go, my children, and be. Go, my children, and simply be. Mary Magdalene.


原创 2017-11-29 抹大拉的玛利亚 新纪元扬升之光
Mary Magdalenevia Fran Zepeda, November 27th, 2017

TheSweetness of Life is upon you. The Joy that is yours is ever-present. Becauseyou choose it, dear ones. Embrace the Sweetness, embrace the Joy, for it isalways at your fingertips. For you are Multidimensional and powerful beyondthe scope of your understanding, dear ones.
Feel theLight as it is welcomed by your cells, by your body. You are living in a newLightWorld. Step into it in every moment of your Presence.
MyBeloveds, you are exquisite in your vibrant Lightbodies. The Crystalline natureof you is ever-increasing. Feel the changes, welcome the changes, BE thechanges. Allow yourself to breathe in and out, feel the ebb and flow of thisnew energy you have stepped into, with your acceptance and your choice.
It isexquisite.


I wish totalk with you about your eternal nature. Embrace your Eternal Nature. You aretapping into it with a deeper understanding of its inevitability. Theexpansiveness you are beginning to feel is testament to this. Embrace yourExpansiveness, embrace your Higher Consciousness. Step into your new reality ofchoosing to be in the higher dimensions while walking around in your earthsuit.
Feel theJoy and the Bliss of experiencing everything from this Eternal Nature. And whenyou must be in daily life, dealing with daily matters, it is viewed andexecuted from this higher perspective, this higher consciousness.
You haveentered into a new Reality, Beloveds. And the old is falling away. Liftyourselves with each breath, with each heartbeat … expand into a sustainingplace of Joy and Grace and Love. Feel the softness and yet the vibrancy of thisnew frequency and dimension you are experiencing.

DivineLove is the container for you to live in now. Everything is defined andmotivated by this container if you allow it. Within this container you cannotfeel unsafe, you cannot feel lacking, you cannot feel depleted, for it isever-flowing and sustaining.
And withinit is the Sweetness, within it is the Joy, ever-present as long as you embracethis constant Divine Love container that you live in, Beloveds.
Feel thecalmness and the Peace of it. Step into your eternal nature of higherconsciousness, fully immersed in Love, Beloveds.
It willhave the ability to change your perspective on everything, when you dip intodaily life, when you walk amongst those not awakened. For you spark theirawakening, bestow the seed of awakening, upon those you walk with.


Embraceyour eternal nature, Beloveds. Embrace your Divine Being that is becoming fullyembodied within this physical vehicle. You have opened the curtain to youreternal nature that sees all things from a divine perspective. Rejoice,Beloveds. And be in Joy. You are ‘Living Light’ now. Embrace it. And sustain itwith each breath you take.
Whateveryou are experiencing that may draw your attention away from this Divine Nature,this Eternal Nature that you are, is just a ‘drop in the bucket’ of your newReality. The solution will come easily and effortlessly as you embrace thesehigher frequencies that allow you to see everything from your eternal nature.
I ‘stand’before you as an equal, as an encouragement to embrace your Full Divine Selvesin everything you do. Hold everything in the Light of your Divine Selves,Beloveds, and the solution will come. The understanding will come. Who youtruly Are Will BEcome.
Foreverand always, I am your companion in this beautiful dance you call Life.
I AM MaryMagdalene.


萨南达 20171024 放松但不要让脚离开踏板

(2017-10-25 01:12:08)
萨南达 <wbr>20171024 <wbr>放松但不要让脚离开踏板

I AM Sananda. Always wonderful to be with you.


As these energies continue to rise continue to accumulate across the planet and all of you feel these energies in different ways. Some of you are feeling the bliss, some of you are feeling the doldrums that come from this at times for it is a tax, you might say, on your central nervous system. It begins to work on your body as you have not been used to before. But as I have said many times and others you are acclimating to these energies. You are working through them and being a part of the change, the shift that is going on across the planet.


You are those ones: the catalyst for all of this. And these energies are now beginning to shift and change and morph into other energies that are going to bring about a shift and a change in those external things you see here as well. You hear of events you hear of many mini events that are going to happen and are beginning to already happen. You hear of the dominoes that are going to fall or have already begun to fall. All of this is in process now. All of this is in motion. And you are going to begin to hear certain announcements that are going to come forth; certain things that are what have been said for a very long time here that are going to begin to climax now, come to a shift, a change that is going to move you and all of the planet to the next level. All of this is in motion. You are the ones that are bringing this about.


You are the ones that have been anchoring this energy and are now spreading this energy more and more.


And it is all about energy folks. It is all about energy and shift and change and consciousness and love.


Love is all that there is; all that there ever was; all that there ever will be  and you are the love. You are the ones that are spreading this love.


So as this love continues to spread, people across the planet will also begin to change and shift their consciousness. And as their consciousness begins to shift more and more, it will overtake the consciousness of the dark ones  those ones that have been attempting to hold this back as much as they can, attempting to hold on to the old paradigm because this is what theyve known. This is what theyve always known. This is what they always thought they would have.


But even they are beginning to realize that their time is up. The jig is up you might say. And they know this and are preparing for this as well. But they are not going out without a struggle. Theyre not going out with a whimper. They are doing everything they can to hold on and go out with a shout.


But go out they will and go out they are because it has been determined, it has been decreed that this is the end. This is the end and the beginning of the next Golden Age. And there is nothing anyone anywhere can stop it now because it has been decreed by Prime Creator by Source Itself, has been decreed that this is to be so.


So all of you now sit back, relax, but do not take your foot off of the pedal. And we say this purposely now so that as you can continue to know that you are the ones, you are the catalyst, you are the ones that need to continue this whole process, this awakening process. This is all about helping more and more people to awaken to who they are, to realize that this is just an illusion, has been an illusion for so long.


And, as my dear consort Lady Nada has said, there is no veil. It has not been there for a very long time and it is only in your mind yet, only in the programmed mind that the veil still exists. So let it go now. Let it all go and realize that you are moving into the higher dimensions now. You are moving into the higher vibration. And as you continue to move into the higher vibrations all that has been a part of the old illusion will be gone.


I AM Sananda. I leave you now in all of my love and peace and tell you now to share wherever you have the opportunity to share and help others grow just as you have.


All of my peace and love be with all of you.


通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan